Proposal Writing & 3rd party funding
Together with their supervisors, students are encouraged to write proposals for further funding opportunities and scholarships. VGSE has been very succesful obtaining funding for students' fourth year of studies (for example, via the WWTF, FWF, OeNB, the University of Vienna's unidoc program and the Austrian Academy of Sciences).
Conferences & Summer Schools
Students have extensive possibilities to present their research at national and international conferences, as well as at summer schools. VGSE has the financial means to cover travel and accommodation costs.
Job Market Assistance
Final year students are assisted in finding an appropriate job after their PhD. Students are coached and fully supported in participating in the international academic job market. VGSE provides placement services and a placement director who is responsible for every aspect of job market assistance. We also support students seeking employment in the private or public sector, such as the IMF, central banks, large international banks or consultancy firms.
Desk, Software & Calculations
Each student will find be provided with a fully equipped desk according to their needs. This includes a state of the art computer and access to the Vienna Scientific Cluster (high performance computing).